The Project
With recent spikes in gun violence, school shootings, hate crimes and more, it seems that there has never been more crime. This project aims to place today's experience of crime within the greater context of history. Using US Census data for crime rates and population density from 1960-2019, we bring you a variety of visualizations and insights to broaden your understanding.
Crime Rate Maps
Bird's Eye View
See the chlorpleth maps of the United States Crime Rates over the past 50+ years
Our crime data is divided into violent crimes and property crimes. You can see how each of these crime rates change over time in comparison to the total crime rate.
Case Studies
1980 had the highest rate of Property crime. John Lenin was shot. The Challenger Shuttle exploded. The MGM Grand Hotel collapsed in a fire. Pretty rough year.
- Property Crime Rate: 5353.3
- Violent Crime Rate: 596.6
1993 had the highest violent crime rate. Terrorists carried out their first attack on the World Trade Center. Beanie Babies went on sale. Ariana Grande was born and Michael Jordan walked away from his game. We got Jurassic Park!
- Property Crime Rate: 4740.0
- Violent Crime Rate: 747.1
2019 is our most recent year of crime data. Scientists also released the first ever image of a black hole. Trump tried to build a wall. The series finale of Game of Thrones was released. Then we got baby Yoda for emotional support before the world shut down!
- Property Crime Rate: 2109.9
- Violent Crime Rate: 379.4
Case Study Years: Number of Property Crime Cases
Case Study Years: Number of Violent Crime Cases
US Population Visualizations
We The People...
See chloropleth maps for state population density and concentration and more.
The overall population density has steadily increased.
States Case Studies
California Property Crime Rate
California Violent Crime Rate
Florida Property Crime Rate
Florida Violent Crime Rate
New York Property Crime Rate
New York Violent Crime Rate

Texas Property Crime Rate
Texas Violent Crime Rate

2023 - Lydia Chau and Andrew Huffman